sharpfocus photography

headshots of a black male model

picture of a black male model wearing a dark shirt and black coat against a dark background

headshots of black male model with good looks and great ability to pose. matt is another young model who found sharpfocus photography through google and wanted to book a shoot. at the time I wasn’t available to shoot so we finally met a month later and it was his time to shine.

at the start, he wasn’t sure whether he wanted to be an actor or go into modeling. I suggested he could take photos for both. for one hour shoot, you have a choice of up to 3 looks. most of the clothes in his wardrobe were in line with what you would see models wear in popular black magazines. he was very comfortable in front of the camera and had a good idea of the poses that would make him look great. with a mix of basic headshots, half body and full body shots, he got his bases covered. he was very pleased and didn’t mind writing me a 5 star review on google.

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